InfoWorld: Is Angular.js Ready for Enterprise?

InfoWorld’s Matt Asay examines the popularity and power of Angular.js and mulls over whether or not it’s ready for prime time.

I’ve argued that it may be necessary to break the Web to keep up with the pace of Web innovation. Nene Bodonkor, a mobile Web developer, for example, posits that frameworks may be so replaceable because they become complacent and don’t keep up with the market’s needs.

Not everyone agrees. EmberJS creator Yehuda Katz argues that “forcing everyone to rewrite everything every few years is the best way to slow things down.”

EmberJS, therefore, along with Facebook’s ReactJS and others, strives toward maximum backward compatibility. This makes these frameworks more enterprise-friendly.

And yet AngularJS dominates. Despite inflicting serious trauma on its most vocal adherents, it thrives.

Does that mean an enterprise can depend on it and build upon it? As an enterprise, can you trust it?

Read it.



