Apple 365

apple 365
Happy New Year! I did it! 365 apples in 365 days.

I wanted an easy resolution, one that I could do no matter what life threw at me. I started this project believing I would be spending the year making and giving birth to a baby. That didn’t happen. The Virgo planner in me spent the year being heartbroken and frustrated. I’ve learned a great deal about my body, about the tricky little devil called conception, and about how truly strong and wonderful our relationship is. I also learned that 1 year is not long to wait at all, and that I am a very lucky girl to have gotten pregnant in my first year of trying. My heart goes out to the couples out there who have been going through heartache and frustration for much much longer than I have.

We moved to a new town this year and as we tried to get settled in, I think maybe the apples helped keep me focused in some way. Maybe they were just mostly delicious.

Now that 2010 is here, I got my wish and I learned so much more how to appreciate and cherish it. For next year I have much bigger plans. I am going to do 365 drawings in 2010 and 52 audio sketches. I want my art practice to be as regular and daily as eating an apple.

Things I learned:

  • I love apples
  • Local, in season apples are amazing
  • An apple a day does not keep the doctor away
  • An apple a day will not make you magically loose weight or poop better or keep your teeth clean
  • People in general are loving and generous and love to help, even if it just involves apples
  • Apple and pork make a great team, but I think I already knew that

My wish for the new year is to deliver a happy, healthy baby who grows up to like apples.

That’s about all I have to say about that! Here’s what 365 apples looks like:











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