Bradley Wednesday

Today I hung out with my friend Bradley. Who today pointed out we’ve know each other for 15 years. I haven’t seen him in a long, long time, which is sad, but it’s happy now because I saw him today and got to have lunch at his favorite Indian restaurant.

I am now mulling over whether or not to drive up to Portland next weekend to hang out with him on Friday, see Jon’s band on Saturday and 20 Minute Loop on Sunday before driving back in time for school on Tuesday. I’ve been wanting to do a tour of Portland Art Galleries and this may be my last chance until the very least July, and maybe indefinitely. So, should I go? I only have about 4 weeks before I leave for my France trip and the thought of leaving Tom for 4 days at this point seems very sad. That and shit, I’ve got a lot of stuff to do around here in the next month, do I really have the luxuury of driving up to Portland?



